
Javits COVID-19 Campaign

Javits COVID-19 Campaign

Client: Javits Center | Agency: reitdesign | My Role: lead Designer

The Javits Center has been an essential part in the fight against COVID-19 from early 2020 to today. Starting as a makeshift hospital for COVID patients to becoming a huge vaccination center, Javits has been a beacon of hope in the middle of a crisis.

Even before it became a hospital, the Javits Center wanted to promote positivity through branded messaging. I developed an expandable series of graphics to accomplish this goal; they were posted over social media (including Instagram and LinkedIn) and shown on the Center’s screen systems.

This series was also expanded to screen graphics, displayed on the Javits Center’s internal TV System and Jumbotron.

After the original campaign was complete, a similar style and messaging was applied to more graphics across their social media channels. These graphics included small positive messages, and an announcement of their GBAC certification.

The Javits Center Vaccination Signage

When the Javits Center was turned from COVID hospital to Vaccination Center, we were tasked with developing their signage. Used extensively inside and out of the Center, these signs assisted guests with instructions, vaccination information, and positive messages.

A number of signs were translated into 6 different languages — Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Bengali, and Haitian Creole — so that more visitors would be able to read the information provided.

2020 Annual Report

Entitled “A Beacon of Hope,” the 2020 Report focused on the Javits Center’s COVID-19 efforts, while still keeping a positive mindset.
